UP targets 2.5 million solar rooftop plantsUP solar energy

Virendra Singh Rawat

The Uttar Pradesh government is targetting solar energy generation of 22,000 megawatt (mw) by 2027 to augment its clean and green energy basket.

The targetted capacity build up is estimated to funnel more than Rs 80,000 crore worth of investment in the state through rooftop solar installations, solar parks etc.

The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector will harness 12,000 acres of land with industrial units located in notified hubs for solar energy generation.

These hubs fall under the jurisdiction of UP State Industrial Development Authority (UPSIDA).

According to MSME chamber Indian Industries Association (IIA) national president Neeraj Singhal, the process of installing rooftop solar power plants has begun in 15 industrial areas of the state viz. Kanpur, Ghaziabad, Lucknow, Greater Noida etc.

On an average Rs 4 crore is invested to create a mw of solar power capacity. This translates into more than Rs 80,000 crore for the targetted 22,000 mw in UP, he said adding the clean energy value chain would have a multiplier effect.

At present, UP generates more than 2,100 mw of solar energy with the arid Bundelkhand region contributing 60 percent of the basket.

Solar parks totalling 3,630 mw are being set up in UP in addition to developing a 4,000 mw green energy corridor in Bundelkhand.

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